

Discussion items

  • No blockers; Nothing new to report.
  • There was another Data Access meeting; NCSA is now participating.
    • Jacek will get the meeting notes loaded into Confluence by tomorrow.
  • Not much to report; No blockers.
  • John and (mostly) Jim have started preparing for the W15 replan and the S15 planning.
    • This was partly motivated by the discussion at Monday's DMLT meeting and partly because they knew it was coming and had some ideas on what it needs to be. This effort is ongoing.
  • The team is continuing to write code and has no blockers going forward.
  • No blockers
  • David Ciardi, Steve Groom, and Xiuqin met with Simon at AAS to discuss alert system. There are some areas not well defined and need more discussion. David is contemplating gathering a small group of people to flesh out the requirement in more details.
  • The team is studying the data products for the data releases. David did an overall review for the team.There were some unclear aspects for which they will be seeking answers.
  • The W14 development is ongoing and Xiuqin has just started the W15 planning .
  • The poster presentation on Firefly transitioning to opensource was very well received. There were quite a few folks excited about that development.
    • The team is pushing the Firefly source into the DM github.
  • JohnS commented that from the VO perspective he is very interested in Science alerts so he asked Xiuqin to keep him in the loop on those developments.
  • Simon has been busy with AAS and other non-DM tasks. No blockers
  • Russell has a design for the astrometry replacement. He will have it done this month. No blockers. There will be an RFC about that shortly.
  • Robert: That's the in scope for: given the current WCS data structures, solve the astrometry on a single exposure on a single visit?
  • Simon: And single chip. And we're basically porting HSC's astrometry routines. The main difference is that HSC had to adhere to the interfaces that were already in existence and we have the flexibility to actually rewrite those interfaces to that make more sense for the portability of those algorithms.
  • Robert: To channel K-T on this: You're doing an RFC on this instead of a design review?
  • Simon: There are two steps. The task interface is actually a reworking of the astrometry task API. And that I viewed as more of an RFC. The actual implementation of the astrometry solver, I expect to have a design review. RFC for the interfaces and Design Reviews for the actual algorithm.
  • Robert: So you feel the interface design is something you will handle with an RFC?
  • Simon: I believe so but if there is enough push-back on the RFC we can certainly turn it into something more.
  • Robert: I'm fine with that strategy
  • Robert spent a busy week cleaning his office. He found $3.00.
  • He had no more to add to the meeting topics; he trusts John implicitly to report on the team's activities.
  • Nothing to report.
  • The Scribe bid a fond farewell to LSST DM in advance of her retirement on 15 January. Long live Frossie!  
    • Or to rephrase: for any buildbot, continuous integration, standards and protocol documentation, code characterization, EA modelling and report generation, and, most importantly, DM calendar issues and 'sup' problems – contact Frossie Economou.
time8 minutes