

Discussion items

  • No blockers
  • Team closed the November sprint; may have missed deadline by 1 or 2 days.
    • They have defined the December sprint and took into account that it's a very short month.
  • The Qserv meeting on Wednesday will host a demo of the completed stories in the last sprint.
    • Scribe post-meeting: latest Qserv email said it was 12-2:30PM pm Pacific on
    • Since most of the QSERV participants will be physically in a conference room at SLAC, there will be space for 9 additional attendees at the meeting.
      • Simon, John, and Xiuqin signed up during the meeting so 6 slots are still open
  • The Data Access Working group had another productive meeting with IPAC team
    • Jacek will post meeting notes.
  • Jacek said the paperwork if being finalized this week for a new hire; with luck he'll be able to start next week.
  • The team finished their sprint and started a new one on Monday.
  • John felt the previous sprint went well; they basically did everything they had planned to do in except with on of the 'getting-started' issues Lauren and John were looking at.
  • The new sprint is constrained in time;p they are pushing the end of it a little bit into January to give it a bit more time.
  • They have a modest program for it.
  • John and Simon had a constructive planning session to organize the Science Pipelines between UW and Princeton for the new sprint
  • Mario released the DM-specific website last week so that it could be cited by the hiring campaigns and used by the prospective hires to learn about DM.
    • Mario is still adding content and requests others to do the same
  • UW has ads out on the register for 5 positions (plus some others for UW faculty)
  • Mario will be out W-F at the Brookhaven for the Big Devices conference.
  • K-T said he didn't have much to say. 
    • He's hoping that Margaret will take over the MW statuses and reports henceforth.
  • MW group is starting a new sprint
    • Steve is now working on ctrl_events and its refactoring.
  • K-T noted that he had reformatted the list of suggested items on the Confluence page for the DM All Hands meeting
    • He invites folks to add more and fix anything he added including updating the estimates on times.
  • K-T also noted that the new RFC process is officially announced and in effect
    • so you are encouraged to submit RFCs as soon as the RFC project in JIRA gets going (it's almost complete as of the meeting).
  • No blockers
  • Simon reiterated that the meeting with John went well.
    • He also thinks it would be good to start having a demo meting as well but ramping up to that.
  • For the new sprint:
    • Simon will work on the tool which creates a camera from a fits file
    • Russell is starting to work on the meas_astrom replacement
      • That is the task to remove as a pre-requistie for processing data.
      • They plan on keeping it for an optional plug-in solver but they are hoping that the default implementation will be more like what HSC uses.
  • Xiuqin also reitereated that the Data Access meeting had useful discussions.
  • Xiunin reports that Tatiana said the qserv problem was solved but they were waiting for a rebuild today.
  • Xiuqin decided that they will use BSD software licensing for their open source software.
    • It's compatible with MIT and others
  • They spent time reading up on other web development platforms and framework and coming up with a summary document
    • They will post to confluence when the document is in good shape in order to make everyone aware of what they're looking at first.
  • Mario strongly supports having post-sprint review for all teams.
time11:50 minutes