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Metric tracking dashboards

Rubin science pipelines weekly change log and  Github repo:

Status of jenkins jobs and slack channle for notifications:  #dmj-s_verify_drp_metrics slack channel 

Discussion items

ItemWhoPre-meeting notesMinutes
News, announcements and task review


Welcome to the last meeting of 2021 

Faro paper - our proposed paper has been accepted. Abstracts due to the project by 2021-12-20. SPIE abstract submission 2022-01-05

Peter and Erik to be added to Project author list database.

SPIE conference in Montreal. Requested a talk and paper.

Slack channel will be open for business, but no meetings.

CI status, bugs, issues of the week

  • verify_drp_metrics CI jobs
  • Check variation in metrics seen last week 

Jeff  did some more exploration as to why the metrics are changing nightly. Did 2 back-to-back rc2-subset. Differences in coadds. Subtracted the images from each other → pixel level differences (and obviously diff number of sources in the catalogs) FGCM zeropoints. Model written out by FGCM each time is different. 

Are the visit-level images are identical? Need to check this

Seems to be some non-deterministic in the calibration. 

Not sure whether it is random aspect of the algorithm, or related to the order of inputs.

Astrometry does not change but was see nightly fluctuations in photometric measured. 

TE1/2/Stellar locus are measured on coadds - observed nightly variation is symptomatic of non-determinism in the zeropoints since those are related to weights when building the coadd.

Jeff will reach out to Lauren to coordinate. 

Jeff will check the config files that were saved in butler to see if the FGCM random seed is set (and to what)

DM-32451 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DM-32826 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DM-31701 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Faro Development status 
  • Fall 2021 epic DM-30748 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Backlog epic:  DM-29525 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Progress on conversion to parquet
  • TeX conversions

PF: Match-probabilistic folded into some of the parquet-based metrics. Refcat loader returns a NP array. Need to convert format.  

Faro is using the new RefCatLoader so we have some freedom to adapt it directly.

Peter and Keith will look into this. 

Need to review selecters to filter the catalogues - e.g SNR and how we apply this → cowork 

Data processing campaigns  

  • RC2/DC2 reprocessing epic : DM-26911 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • w_2021_40 RC2:   DM-32248 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • w_2021_44 DC2 : DM-32391 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • AuxTel
  • AP/DiffIm
  • AuxTel Imaging Processing
    • we have advanced to using BPS to do batch processing of data, performed some zoology on pipetask failures. Quick summary: for 266 images from the night of Nov 2nd sqr degree run (includes some intermediate wavefront sensing images), 108/266 passed characterizeImage task, 70/108 passed calibrate task (includes rough photometric and astrometric calculations). Common failures identified, next step is to explore configuration tweaks and add table generation (writeSourceTable, transformSourceTable) to BPS job. 
    • Got notes from Lee Kelvin on how to create discrete skymaps needed for co-addition further down pipeline
    • LATISS is currently warm following a series of power outages on the summit, December run was cancelled and January run is at risk but no decision has been made. Hope is that in the next available run we will install r and i filters to get multi-band coverage on the same 1sqr degree field. 
    • There is an outstanding task to add ATLAS REFCAT2 as reference catalog in order to include photometric calibration in single-frame processing: DM-32739 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Faro for DP0.2


Potential co-working session ideas here

Next meeting 18 January 2022

List of tasks (Confluence)

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Leanne Guy to talk to Science Pipelines (Yusra) about when do this transfer  
19 Oct 2021Leanne Guy2021-09-28 Science Metric Development Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Leanne Guy arrange to disucss at a future meeting if there are metrics from PDR3 & this paper that we might want to include in faro.   
26 Oct 2021Leanne Guy2021-08-31 Science Metric Development Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Colin to ask about capturing ideas for improvement to the stellar locus algorithm   
30 Nov 2021 2021-11-09 Science Metric Development Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Colin Slater to make a preliminary draft agenda for a workshop to clarify visualization use cases for science verification and validation
Colin Slater2022-04-19 Science Metric Development Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Jeffrey Carlin to review metric specification package organization and the relationship to formal requirements documents
Jeffrey Carlin2022-04-19 Science Metric Development Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Keith Bechtol Schedule a time to have focused discussion on verification package, potentially next status meeting
Keith Bechtol2021-09-14 Science Metric Development Agenda and Meeting notes
  • Keith Bechtol to make a ticket to better understand mapping of these camera and calibration products characterization efforts to verification documents and the focus of these efforts. Discuss with the SCLT
Keith Bechtol2021-09-14 Science Metric Development Agenda and Meeting notes