11:00 Eastern; 08:00 Project/Pacific Time. bluejeans.com/426716450



Andrés Alejandro Plazas Malagón

  • Responded to comments on DM-20070; sent them back to Chris and waiting to see what happens.
  • Prepped for talk to the camera verification testing meeting tomorrow, but can't make it in the end.
    • Merlin will take over from him.
  • Next step will be validation of the DM-20070 work.
    • Check that gains are consistent with what we currently get from the PTC.
  • Worried about variances of clipped data (DM-24762).
    • Chris has some (analytic) code which is in crosstalk calculation that could be reusable.
    • There is an existing Monte Carlo approach in BF kernel calculation; Merlin is keen that we keep this as an option.
    • This should be blocked by a refactoring ticket, which Merlin has not yet filed.
    • This should list the problems with the current design, then we can get a new design and review that before we proceed with refactoring.
    • Should come up with a suite of tests which demonstrate the problem first; again, Merlin can ticket this.
    • Priority is to come up with the test suite first, then come up with a new design (if necessary), then implement that, then fix the variances.
    • Merlin will file two tickets:
      • Write a test suite for BF correction
      • Come up with a design for a refactored BF kernel generation.

Christopher Waters

  • Spent last week on measure crosstalk.
    • Moving from ip_isr to cp_pipe.
    • Getting it ready for Gen 3.
    • Correcting for clipped variance.
    • Should be going for review in the next couple of days.
    • Will likely pick on Merlin Fisher-Levine for a review.
  • Some other minor tickets going into review.
  • And will be working on DM-20070 re-review.

Merlin Fisher-Levine

  • Has done ~nothing for the last two weeks due to house moving, etc.
  • Agreed that Merlin can make rapid progress on committing to atmospec without review for now.
    • But of course changes to obs_base, etc, must be reviewed.
  • DM-24592 is ~done, and should get marked as such ASAP.
  • After that, Merlin will file more fine-grained tickets to describe future work.
    • And we should discuss them at next week's meeting.