11:00 Eastern; 08:00 Project/Pacific Time. bluejeans.com/426716450



Merlin Fisher-Levine

  • Working on astrometry for LATISS.
  • Slow/frustrating progress.
  • Lack of completely-blind matching functionality in the stack has been an issue.
  • Achieved a good match on a sample image by tweaking parameters by hand to get it close enough for the matcher to pick it up...
  • ...but these same parameters don't help on every image, and there seems to be an infinite variety of flips, rotations, etc applied with no obvious order.
  • In some cases, even when it looks ok by eye, the matcher isn't getting a good result.
  • Merlin will try some further experiments, and will call on others (notable Chris M.) for help if necessary.

Andrés Alejandro Plazas Malagón

  • Participated in DES virtual meeting, and submitted a proposal for a workshop on systemic racism at the 2021 PCW.
  • Has been working on “the Pierres'” code (DM-20070).
    • This is a big job; lots of code and preparing test data.
    • We agreed that Andrés should get some minimal implementation out for review ASAP to give a preliminary check to the approach and to minimize the ultimate burden which will be placed on reviewers.

Christopher Waters

  • DM-21212 (Update existing cp_pipe tasks to pipelineTasks) outstanding issues resolved.
    • Now cleaning up remaining review comments.
    • Hope to have it done this week.
  • DM-23983 crosstalk for DECam G3 rewrite in a similar position.
  • Next: plan to get ci_cpp into a state that everybody can start using it, and RFC its inclusion in CI.
  • Then: rewrite BF tasks in new calibration framework.