

Cyberspace / M-6 (Tucson)


Date & Time

Date , 09:00 - 14:00 PT

This precedes the DMLT F2F meeting

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  2. Enter Meeting ID: 103664856 -or- use the pairing code

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  • +1 408 740 7256
  • +1 888 240 2560 (US Toll Free)
  • +1 408 317 9253 (Alternate Number)

Meeting ID: 103664856


Meeting Goals

We will review in presentations and work to be presented at the Rubin Observatory Algorithms workshop. We should emerge with set of draft presentations.


TimeTopicWho Discussion & Actions

Moderator: Colin Slater

  • Another warning about fradulent cold calls from people speaking broken English asking for credit card details in connection with the LSST@Europe4 conference in Rome. Neither the Organizers nor the Academia have asked any hotel to contact the participants of the conference and offer accommodation. If you receive any offer please decline and report to the organizers at the following address loc@lssteurope4.eu 
  • Operations proposal submission delayed for several months until question of data facility is resolved.
9:00 - 9:15Workshop logistics, agenda & unconference sessions
  • Fill in names for talks in the agenda
9:15 - 9:45Status of HSC PDR2 processing  and other data preparation for the workshopYusra AlSayyad
10:00 - 10:30Technical Overview of LSST Science Pipelines.

Speaker: Yusra Al Sayyad

  • Yusra will include an introduction of all people present involved in pipelines development (AP & DRP) 
  • Leanne will cover the overall goals of the workshop in the introductory talk and will also introduce LSST people present who are not pipelines devs (e.g Steve K, Bob B).
10:30 - 11:00Break

Moderator:Leanne Guy

11:00 - 12:30

Project plans for PSF estimation and modelling. (all talk outlines) Speaker: Josh Meyers.
Project plans for deblendingSpeaker: Fred (to confirm)
Project plans for building Coadds, deep object detection & measurement.

Speaker: Jim Bosch 

  • Plan to make a statement about using Gary's code in this talk

Project plans for Photometric calibration

Speaker: Robert Lupton

  • This talk will be moved to Tuesday morning in the Background Estimation talk slot. Leave it at 30 mins. move BG Estimation to Wednesday
Project plans for Photometric calibration (FGCM)Speaker : Eli Rykoff
Project plans for astrometric calibration and stellar motion measurements. Includes statement on JointCal plans.Speaker: Jim Bosch
Project plans and current status of difference imaging. How do we plan to get to the state of the art.

Speaker: Eric

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
Moderator: Leanne Guy
13:30 - 14:30 Project status/plans for Galaxy Photometry and model fitting.

Speaker: Jim Bosch

  • If ngmix is the plan - we need to include a description on ngmix in the talk - not everyone will be familiar
Project plans for shape measurements 
  • Wading into dangerous territory here, Jim Bosch wants everything signed off before presenting anything 
  • A hard reckoning with reality is called for. 
Project plans for stellar crowded field processing.

Speaker: Colin

  • Add in that we went back to the SMWLV SC recently to ask again about the need and they came back with even stronger use cases. 
  • The presentation outlines a plan for a crowded fields processing pipeline. This is not yet implemented, although Colin has made good progress in the last 6 months. 
  • We will need to have a clear message to give at the workshop about what we will actually do. 
  • Leanne Guyorganize a meeting of the relevant people to decide what our strategy for crowded fields will be. 

Project plans and current status of DCR in templates.

Speaker: Ian

  • Ian Sullivan to present overview of the DCR problem, results and limitations of the constant seeing algorithm–essentially updated versions of DMTN-037 and DMTN-121.
    • Leanne Guy Will, and if so how, this talk differ from Ian's talk at PCW2019?
      • Eric Bellm : bugfixes and performance improvements, assessment on simulated crowded fields
  • Colin Slater what is the messaging on next steps?
    • Eric Bellm :not much data in early ops to constrain the DCR templates, so not a high priority in terms of e.g. early science.
    • holding pattern awaiting more data, removal of other tall diffim poles assessment of performance of current solution
  • Clarify in the talk and talk title that this is about DCR in templates.